2022 SLSNR Trans-Tasman Tri-Series |
Athlete Application Form
This application is open to any and all SLSNR Senior members who wish to be eligible for selection for the 2022 Trans-Tasman Tri-Series.
This event will take place across three test events in New South Wales (locations tbc) from the 4th-12th January 2023.
Team Selection:
The team selection deadline is 12th December 2022. Athletes will be selected in the Under 17, Under 19 and Open age categories.
Team Composition:
The final team will consist of 18 members: 3x Males & 3x Females across U17, U19 and Open age categories.
Event Format:
The final team will contest the series across three test events. Each test will consist of Board, Swim, Ski, Iron, Rescue, Beach and Relay events.
Selection Policy:
The selection of the team for the 2022 Trans-Tasman Tri Series (TTTS) will be in accordance with the current SLSNR Selection Policy - click here to view.
Selection Events:
The Selectors for the 2022 TTTS will look at SLSNR surf sports events prior to December 12th, previous seasons results and any other information deemed necessary.
Team User pays contribution:
A user pays contribution is required from each member of the final team by the 20th December 2022 to confirm their selection in the team. The final user pays cost will be between $750-$1000 per athlete. SLSNR is working towards grant funding to lessen this burden.
Athlete Declaration
At the time of submitting this form:
1. I acknowledge I have read and understood the SLSNR Selection Policy and I agree to comply with it;
2. I acknowledge that I have been given access to the Sports Anti-Doping Rules made by Drug Free Sport New Zealand under the Sports Anti-Doping Act 2006 (and adopted as the SLSNZ anti-doping policy) which I have read and understood, and I agree I am bound by the provisions contained within those Rules;
3. I agree to comply with the constitution of SLSNR, together with all Regulations, Policies and reasonable directions of the Board and the Chief Executive;
4. I declare that I am a current and financial member of the SLSNZ Club named in this application;
5. I declare that I hold a current refreshed SLSNZ Lifeguard Award;
6. I declare that I am a New Zealand Citizen;
7. I acknowledge that my only right of appeal in respect of my non-selection is as set out in clause 8 of the SLSNR Selection Policy;
8. I understand that I will be required to sign the SLSNR Athlete Agreement if I am selected to a SLSNR Northern Region squad or team.
If you have any questions or need further clarity, please get in touch at zac.franich@lifesaving.org.nz.